new HLclearCreek(configfile)
Data module implementation for the Clear Creek HLM case study model Overrides some of the methods implemented in the BMI HydroLang implementation. Extends the HydroLang functional space by inheritance. The instance calls either a data request from EPA precipitation model API's or calls data from an preestablished model for the HLM-C implementation. Provides data from EPA using grided models on an hourly scale. Connects with the USGS gauging station for comparision purposes.
Name | Type | Description |
configfile | String |
(static) additionalData()
Run if EPA data is to be queried.
(static) dataStep(i, j) → {Number}
Steps through an event given step size.
Name | Type | Description |
i | Number | initial value |
j | Number | i + 1 value |
difference between the two
- Type:
- Number
(static) get_time_step() → {Number}
Returns the current state of the model. For HLclearCreek is the default time step.
default time step
- Type:
- Number
(static) get_value_at_indices(var_name, dest, indices) → {Array.<Object>}
Obtains the rainfall values at a specific index in the results array, when an index array is passed.
Name | Type | Description |
var_name | String | name of the variable used for the calculations |
dest | Array. | array destiny required for the results |
indices | Array. | array with the values of the links |
rainfall values perr order of link given.
- Type:
- Array.
(static) retrieveData(arrayCont)
Method for downloading data from the provided calls for the EPA API. Calls the
Name | Type | Description |
arrayCont | Array. | array with all the lat-lon coordinates for each link. |
(static) retrieveGauge()
Downloads data from the USGS site
(static) spreadGauge()
Spreads the results downloaded from the USGS service to a global variable called gauge
(static) spreadResults() → {Void}
Grabs the downloaded object to create the links object and parse the dates for each link so they can be in unixtime. Overrides the values of the time used depending on the type of unit used
sets the results to be access later by HLM
- Type:
- Void
(static) update()
Update the model until a required time, Depending on the module and function required.
Type | Description |
void |
(static) update_until(time) → {void}
Updates a model and function call depending on the requirements of the function and module called.
Name | Type | Description |
time | Number | default time to be updated depending on the model |
updates the current variable to the required timestep.
- Type:
- void
rainID() → {Number}
Checks for storm events given dates.
- To Do
- finish implementation.
identification of storm event
- Type:
- Number