/*** Supporting functions **/
* Module for visualization of charts and tables.
* @class divisors
* Function for verifying if a div has already been added into the document.
* @method isdivAdded
* @memberof divisors
* @param {Object} params - Contains: id (specific name for the divisor).
* @returns {Boolean} True of a div with the given id is found in the document.
* @example
* hydro.visualize.isdivAdded({params: {id: 'someDivName'}})
function isdivAdded({ params, args, data } = {}) {
const element = document.getElementById(params.id);
return Boolean(element && element.nodeName === 'DIV');
* Function for verifying if a script has been added to the header of the webpage.
* @method isScriptAdded
* @memberof divisors
* @param {Object} params - Contains: name (script on screen, or not)
* @returns {Boolean} True if the script has been appended to the header.
* @example
* hydro.visualize.isScriptAdded ({params: {name: 'someName'}})
function isScriptAdded({ params, args, data } = {}) {
//Select a name passed as an attribute instead of source for selection purposes.
return Boolean(document.querySelector(`script[name=${params.name}`));
* Creates a script given a source, JS text and name to be appended to the header.
* @function createScript
* @memberof divisors
* @param {Object} params - Contains: name (script name), src (CDN source)
* @returns {Element} If found, returns the the script library to add listeners and handlers once loaded.
* @example
* hydro.visualize.createScript({params: {name: "someName", src: "somrCDNurl"}})
function createScript({ params, args, data } = {}) {
//Add any external script into the DOM for external library usage.
if (isScriptAdded({ params: { name: params.name } }) === false) {
var sr = document.createElement("script");
sr.type = "text/javascript";
sr.src = params.src;
sr.setAttribute("name", params.name);
//If the user wants to add functionality coming from the script, do after.
if (isScriptAdded({ params: { name: params.name } })) {
var sc = document.querySelector(`script[name=${params.name}]`);
return sc;
* Creates a form appended to the DOM with a button attached to it.
* @function createForm
* @memberof divisor
* @param {Object} params - Contains: className (name of class to create for from)
* @returns {Element} Form appended to the DOM.
* @example
* hydro.visualize.createForm({params: {className: 'some class'}})
function createForm({ params, args, data } = {}) {
var fr = document.createElement("form");
fr.className = params.class;
* Creates a div space for rendering all sorts of required divisors.
* @function createDiv
* @memberof divisors
* @param {Object} params - Contains: id, title, class, style
* @returns {Element} Div space appended to DOM.
* @example
* hydro.visualize.createDiv({params: {id: 'someid', title: 'sometitle', className: 'someclass'}})
function createDiv({ params, args, data } = {}) {
if (isdivAdded({params: params.id})) {
} else {
var dv = document.createElement('div');
dv.id = params.id;
dv.title = params.title;
dv.className = params.class;
dv.style = params.style;
// Append style to head of document
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
params.maindiv !== undefined
? document.getElementById(params.maindiv).appendChild(dv)
: document.body.appendChild(dv);
/*** End of Supporting functions **/
export { createDiv, createForm, createScript, isScriptAdded, isdivAdded };