* All proxy servers tried and working can be found here.
* It is a trial/error to see if a specific error might be working per resource.
* @type {Object}
* @name ProxyServers
* @memberof datasources
export default {
//If CORS-Anywhere is used, then you need to go to https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/corsdemo to enable
//the demo version.
"cors-anywhere": {
endpoint: "https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/",
//All Origins proxy to obtain data as JSON or raw data. More info can be found at:
"all-origins": {
endpoint: "https://api.allorigins.win/raw?url=",
endpoint: "https://hydro-proxy.herokuapp.com/"
//Required node application to be available on the local machine.
endpoint: "https://hydroinformatics.uiowa.edu/lab/cors/"