* National Weather Service (NWS) API that allows access to forecasts, alerts, and observations and other weather data that allows JSON-LD machine data discovery. More information can be found here:
* https://www.weather.gov/documentation/services-web-api#/default/obs_stations
* The API's returns geoJSON, or JSON. Please verify each entry point BEFORE usage.
* @type {Object}
* @name NWS
* @memberof datasources
export default {
//Returns gridpoints for each NWS Weather Forecast Office(WFO) at a resolution of 2.5km x 2.5km for 12h forecast periods.
//Type can be forecast, stations
gridpoints: {
endpoint: "https://api.weather.gov/gridpoints/{office}/{gridX},{gridY}/forecast",
//example of request for the gridpoint endpoint.
params: {
office: null,
gridX: null,
gridY: null,
methods: {
type: "json",
method: "GET",
//Obtain grid forecast for a specific point
points: {
endpoint: "https://api.weather.gov/points/{latitude},{longitude}",
//example of request for the gridpoint endpoint.
params: {
latitude: null,
longitude: null
methods: {
type: "json",
method: "GET",
//Returns all stations in a specific state
stations: {
endpoint: "https://api.weather.gov/stations/",
//example of request for the gridpoint endpoint.
params: {
id: null, //array of field observations
state: null,
limit: null,
methods: {
type: "json",
method: "GET",
glossary: {
endpoint: "https://api.weather.gov/glossary/",
//example of request for the gridpoint endpoint.
methods: {
type: "json",
method: "GET",
//Returns metadata and observatins about a specific station
//For observations, attach a "observations" to the requirement
//You can also attach a start and end date
stationObservations: {
endpoint: "https://api.weather.gov/stations/{stationId}/observations",
//example of request for the gridpoint endpoint.
params: {
stationId: null, //array of field
start: null,
end: null,
observations: null
methods: {
type: "json",
method: "GET",
singleStationObs: {
endpoint: "https://api.weather.gov/stations/{stationId}/observations/{time}",
//example of request for the gridpoint endpoint.
params: {
stationId: null, //array of field
time: null //station time
methods: {
type: "json",
method: "GET",
//Retrieve radar stations
radarsStations: {
endpoint: "https://api.weather.gov/radar/stations/",
//example of request for the gridpoint endpoint.
methods: {
type: "json",
method: "GET",
//set of requirements from the source. If different methods for dat retrieval can be used, then "GET" is default.
requirements: {
needProxy: true,
requireskey: false,