
 * CUAHSI available REST endpoints. This collection includes:
 * waterOneFlow, hisCentral and HydroShare
 * @type {Object}
 * @namespace CUAHSI
 * @memberof datasources

 * Data endpoints for the CUAHSI HIS WaterOneFlow services. The services accessed
 * require POST requests through SOAP protocol. The endpoints are compliant with version 1.1 of the service.
 * More information about the request can be found in the following links:
 * Includes the following methods
 * @prop {string} sourceType - source that will be queried. Requires source, see list for more references.
 * @prop {string} GetSiteInfo - returns site metadata, given a specific site number for multiple sites. Values passed as strings.
 * @prop {string} GetSiteInfoMultpleObject - returns site metadata, given a specific site number. Pass value as string
 * @prop {string} GetSiteInfoObject - returns site metadata, given a specific site number. Pass value as string
 * @prop {string} GetSites - given an array of sites, returns the metadata for each site. Pass values as array of strings
 * @prop {string} GetSitesByBoxObject - finds sites for a specific source on a bounding box having properties {west, south, east, north}
 * @prop {string} GetSitesObject - returns site metadata, pass site as array of strings
 * @prop {string} GetValues - returns timeseries for a specific location. Requires {location: string, variable: string, startDate: string, endDate: string}
 * @prop {string} GetValuesForASiteObject - returns values as array of strings as {site: string, startDate: string , endDate: string}
 * @prop {string} GetValuesObject - returns timeseries for a given location and timespan {location: string, variable: string, startDate: string, endDate: string}
 * @prop {string} GetVariableInfo - returns variable name given information for a variable. Pass as string.
 * @prop {string} GetVariableInfoObject - returns a variable's name, given specific information for the variable. Pass value as string
 * @prop {string} GetVariables - get all avaibale variables from a specific source. No parameters required.
 * @prop {string} GetVariablesObject - get all avaibale variables from a specific source. No parameters required.
 * @see
 * @type {Object}
 * @name waterOneFlow
 * @memberof datasources.CUAHSI
const waterOneFlow = {
  action: "",
  sourceType: (type) => {
    var val = "";

    switch (type) {
      case "USGS Daily Values":
        //Additional info:
        val = "nwisdv";
      case "USGS GroundWater":
        //Additional info:
        val = "nwisgw";
      case "USGS Unit Values":
        //Additional info:
        val = "nwisuv";
      case "Andrew Forest StreamFlow":
        //Additional info:
        val = "Andrewsforestlter";
      case "Curated Brazilian Savana":
        //Additional info:
        val = "Brazil_UCB";
      case "Aquatic Habitat Lab CALVIN":
        //Additional info:
        val = "CALVIN_HHS";
      case "Crowd Hydrology":
          //Additional info:
          val = "MobileCrowdHydrology";
      case "Corpus Christi Bay":
        //Additional info:
        val = "CCBEPDAP";

      case "California DEC":
        //Additional info:
        val = "CDEC";

      case "Cedar River WS Forest":
        //Additional info:
        val = "cedarriver";

      case "Clarksburg CSU":
        //Additional info:
        val = "clarksburg_sp";

      case "Commmunity Rain Network":
        //Additional info:
        val = "CocoRaHs";

      case "Coopercreek Watershed":
        //Additional info:
        val = "Coopercreek";

      case "Charles River Watershed":
        //Additional info:
        val = "Charles_River_WA";

      case "Cornell Six Mile Isotopes":
        //Additional info:
        val = "CUISO";

      case "Delaware River WS":
        //Additional info:
        val = "DRWI";

      case "Farmington River Watershed":
        //Additional info:
        val = "FRWA";

      case "Florida Everglades LTER":
        //Additional info:
        val = "FCELTER";

      case "FSU Hydrowell":
        //Additional info:
        val = "FSUHydro";

      case "NOAA GHCN":
        //Additional info:
        val = "ghcn";

      case "Boston Harbor":
        //Additional info:
        val = "MWRA";

      case "MOPEX":
        //Additional info:
        val = "MOPEX";
      case "Swedish Monitoring":
        //Additional info:
        val = "SwedishMonitoringData";

      case "Humedales Atacama":
        //Additional info:
        val = "Ramsar_atacama";
      case "Global Rivers":
        //Additional info:
        val = "GlobalRiversObservatory";
      case "NLDAS Hourly Forcings":
        //Additional info:
        val = "NLDAS_FORA";

      case "NLDAS Hourly NOAH Data":
          //Additional info:
          val = "NLDAS_NOAH";

        //Default value left to the most accessible Google Search for
        console.log("Default value returned, there might be an error on the request. Revise parameters.")
        val = "ipswich";
    return `${val}/cuahsi_1_1.asmx`;
  GetSiteInfo: {
    //Returns site metadata, given a specific site number.
    //pass value as string
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetSiteInfo xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"><site>${(() => {
        return Object.values(prop)
          .map((val) => `NetworkName:${val}`)
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  //Multple is NOT a typo
  GetSiteInfoMultpleObject: {
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetSiteInfoMultpleObject xmlns="${
      }"><site>${(() => {
        return Object.values(prop)
          .map((val) => `<string>NetworkName:${val}</string>`)
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetSiteInfoObject: {
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetSiteInfoObject xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"><site>${(() => {
        return Object.values(prop)
          .map((val) => `NetworkName:${val}`)
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",

  GetSites: {
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetSites xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"><site>${(() => {
        return Object.values(prop)
          .map((val) => `<string>NetworkName:${val}</string>`)
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",

  GetSitesByBoxObject: {
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetSitesByBoxObject xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"><west>${prop["west"]}</west><south>${prop["south"]}</south><east>${prop["east"]}</east><north>${prop["north"]}</north><IncludeSeries>true</IncludeSeries></GetSitesByBoxObject>`;
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetSitesObject: {
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetSitesObject xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"><site>${(() => {
        return Object.values(prop)
          .map((val) => `<string>NetworkName:${val}</string>`)
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetValues: {
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetValues xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"><location>NetworkName:${prop["location"]}</location><variable>NetworkName:${prop["variable"]}</variable><startDate>${prop["startDate"]}</startDate><endDate>${prop["endDate"]}</endDate></GetValues>`;
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetValuesForASiteObject: {
    //Example found in
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetValuesForASiteObject xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"><site>NetworkName:${prop["site"]}</site><startDate>${prop["startDate"]}</startDate><endDate>${prop["endDate"]}</endDate></GetValuesForASiteObject>`;
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetValuesObject: {
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetValuesObject xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"><location>NetworkName:${prop["location"]}</location><variable>NetworkName:${prop["variable"]}</variable><startDate>${prop["startDate"]}</startDate><endDate>${prop["endDate"]}</endDate></GetValuesObject>`;
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetVariableInfo: {
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetVariableInfo xmlns="${
      }"><variable>${(() => {
        return Object.values(prop)
          .map((val) => `NetworkName:${val}`)
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetVariableInfoObject: {
    //Example found in:
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetVariableInfoObject xmlns="${
      }"><variable>${(() => {
        return Object.values(prop)
          .map((val) => `NetworkName:${val}`)
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetVariables: {
    //Example found in:
    body: () => {
      return `<GetVariables xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"></GetVariables>`;
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetVariablesObject: {
    //Example found in:
    body: () => {
      return `<GetVariablesObject xmlns="${waterOneFlow.action}"></GetVariablesObject>`;
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",

  //set of requirements from the source. If different methods for dat retrieval can be used, then "GET" is default.
  requirements: {
    needProxy: true,
    requireskey: false,

 * HIS Central serves as the main functions that can be used for a specific resource. It allows for users to obtain specific data from a resource
 * without the need of manipulation a large chunk of data, but rather, allow a function to query the data. Each function has its own usage and is constrained by
 * the parameters passed within HydroLang functions. More information about HIS Central can be found in the following link:
 * @type {Object}
 * @name hisCentral
 * @memberof datasources.CUAHSI

const hisCentral = {
  //The request parameters passed into hisCentral endpoint are compliant with SOAP 1.1
  action: "",
  sourceType: (type) => {
    typeof type === undefined ? (type = "") : null;
    return ``;
  GetControlledVocabulary: {
    //Retrieves terms and definitions for controlled vocabulary found in:
    //pass value as string
    //Example found in:
    endpoint: "",
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetControlledVocabulary xmlns="${hisCentral.action}"><cvField>${prop["cvField"]}</cvField></GetControlledVocabulary>`;
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetWaterOneFlowServiceInfo: {
    //Gets all the registered data services from the following:
    //No parameters needed
    //Example found in:
    endpoint: "",
    body: () => {
      return `<GetWaterOneFlowServiceInfo xmlns="${hisCentral.action}"></GetWaterOneFlowServiceInfo>`;
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetCountOrData: {
    //Retrieves information about the metadata in the HIS catalog.
    //pass value as strings and numbers
    //Not all parameters are required to be passed, but minimum requirements from the API are the bounding box minmax.
    //Example found in:
    endpoint: "",
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetCountOrData xmlns="${hisCentral.action}">
        <xmin>${prop["xmin"] === undefined ? "" : prop["xmin"]}</xmin>
        <xmax>${prop["xmax"] === undefined ? "" : prop["xmax"]}</xmax>
        <ymin>${prop["ymin"] === undefined ? "" : prop["ymin"]}</ymin>
        <ymax>${prop["ymax"] === undefined ? "" : prop["ymax"]}</ymax>
          prop["sampleMedium"] === undefined ? "" : prop["sampleMedium"]
          prop["dataType"] === undefined ? "" : prop["dataType"]
          prop["valueType"] === undefined ? "" : prop["valueType"]
          prop["generalCat"] === undefined ? "" : prop["generalCat"]
          prop["conceptKey"] === undefined ? "" : prop["conceptKey"]
          prop["networkID"] === undefined ? "" : prop["networkID"]
          prop["startDate"] === undefined ? "" : prop["startDate"]
          prop["endDate"] === undefined ? "" : prop["endDate"]
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetSearchableConcepts: {
    //Retrieves list of searchable concepts from the HIS ontology.
    //Pass values as array of strings
    //Example found in:
    endpoint: "",
    body: () => {
      return `<GetSearchableConcepts xmlns="${hisCentral.action}"></GetSearchableConcepts>`;
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetSeriesCatalogForBox2: {
    // Returns metadata for specific time series matching provided parameters as a subset.
    //Example found in:
    endpoint: "",
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetSeriesCatalogForBox2 xmlns="${hisCentral.action}">
        <xmin>${prop["xmin"] === undefined ? "" : prop["xmin"]}</xmin>
        <xmax>${prop["xmax"] === undefined ? "" : prop["xmax"]}</xmax>
        <ymin>${prop["ymin"] === undefined ? "" : prop["ymin"]}</ymin>
        <ymax>${prop["ymax"] === undefined ? "" : prop["ymax"]}</ymax>
          prop["conceptKey"] === undefined ? "" : prop["conceptKey"]
          prop["networkID"] === undefined ? "" : prop["networkID"]
          prop["startDate"] === undefined ? "" : prop["startDate"]
          prop["endDate"] === undefined ? "" : prop["endDate"]
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",
  GetSeriesCatalogForBox3: {
    // Returns metadata for specific time series matching provided parameters as a full set of info.
    //Example found in:
    endpoint: "",
    body: (prop) => {
      return `<GetSeriesCatalogForBox3 xmlns="${hisCentral.action}">
        <xmin>${prop["xmin"] === undefined ? "" : prop["xmin"]}</xmin>
        <xmax>${prop["xmax"] === undefined ? "" : prop["xmax"]}</xmax>
        <ymin>${prop["ymin"] === undefined ? "" : prop["ymin"]}</ymin>
        <ymax>${prop["ymax"] === undefined ? "" : prop["ymax"]}</ymax>
          prop["conceptKey"] === undefined ? "" : prop["conceptKey"]
          prop["networkID"] === undefined ? "" : prop["networkID"]
          prop["startDate"] === undefined ? "" : prop["startDate"]
          prop["endDate"] === undefined ? "" : prop["endDate"]
    methods: {
      type: "soap",
      method: "POST",

  //set of requirements from the source. If different methods for dat retrieval can be used, then "GET" is default.
  requirements: {
    needProxy: true,
    requireskey: false,

 * HydroShare API, enabling acccess to data resources, examples, models and more hosted within the HydroShare sphere.
 * Swagger example found in the following link:
 * @type {Object}
 * @name hydroShare
 * @memberof datasources.CUAHSI
const hydroShare = {
  resource_list: {
    endpoint: "",
    params: {
      //Example resource should include at least edit permission, published and include obsolete for the response to work.
      page: null,
      count: null,
      creator: null,
      author: null,
      group: null,
      user: null,
      owner: null,
      from_date: null,
      to_date: null,
      subject: null,
      full_text_search: null,
      edit_permission: null,
      published: null,
      type: null,
      coverage_type: null,
      north: null,
      south: null,
      east: null,
      west: null,
      include_obsolete: false,
    methods: {
      type: "json",
      method: "POST",

  resource_create: {
    endpoint: "",
    params: {
      //Example resource should include at least edit permission, published and include obsolete for the response to work.
      string: null,
      metadata: null,
      extra_metadata: null,
      edit_users: null,
      view_users: null,
      view_groups: null,
      keywords: [null],
      abstract: null,
      resource_type: "CompositeResource",
    methods: {
      type: "json",
      method: "POST",

  content_types: {
    endpoint: "",
    params: {},
    methods: {
      type: "json",
      method: "POST",

  search: {
    endpoint: "",
    params: {
      page: null,
      count: null,
      text: null,
      author: null,
      contributor: [null],
      subject: [null],
      abstract: null,
      resource_type: null,
      content_type: [null],
      coverage_type: [null],
      availability: null,
      created: null,
      modified: null,
      start_date: null,
      end_date: null,
      east: null,
      north: null,
      eastlimit: null,
      westlimit: null,
      northlimit: null,
      southlimit: null,
    methods: {
      type: "json",
      method: "GET",

  types: {
    endpoint: "",
    params: {},
    methods: {
      type: "json",
      method: "GET",

  //set of requirements from the source. If different methods for dat retrieval can be used, then "GET" is default.
  requirements: {
    needProxy: true,
    requireskey: false,

export { waterOneFlow, hydroShare, hisCentral };