
 * Data specific for the development of a case study for the implementation of
 * BMI.js standard. This application has been developed and deployed using
 * MRMS-Stage IV data obtained for the IFC HLM model for the Clear Creek
 * in Iowa. 
 * The endpoints available are listed below.
 * For more information,please visit:
 * @type {Object}
 * @name ClearCreek
 * @memberof datasources

 export default {
    //returns all the links in a 

    "req-data": {
      endpoint: "",
      params: {
        link: null,
        startDate: null,
        endDate: null
        type: "json",
        method: "GET",
    //set of requirements from the source. If different methods for dat retrieval can be used, then "GET" is default.
    requirements: {
      needProxy: false,
      requireskey: false,