import "../../../external/tensorflow/tensorflow.js";
* Main class for the creation of machine learning models using Tensorflow.
* @class
* @name nn
export default class nn {
* Neural network sequential model creator. Depends solely on the type
* of problem that the user is trying to solve and should be used accordingly.
* @method createModel
* @memberof nn
* @param {Object} params - Contains: numinputs (data inputs), numneurons (total hidden layer neurons), numoutputs (neuron outputs)
* @returns {Object} Model created based on the specifications.
* @example
* hydro.analyze.nn.createModel({params: {numinputs: 30, numneurons: 11, numoutputs:50})
static createModel({ params, args, data } = {}) {
var numinputs = params.inputs,
numneurons = params.neurons,
numoutputs = params.outputs;
const model = tf.sequential();
//Add input layer considering only 1 input layer for the training.
inputShape: [numinputs],
units: numinputs,
//Create a 1 layer of convolutioned neurons
kernelSize: 2,
filters: 128,
strides: 1,
use_bias: true,
activation: "relu",
kernelInitializer: 'VarianceScaling'
units: numneurons,
useBias: true,
activation: "sigmoid",
//Add average pooling layer
poolSize: [numinputs],
strides: [1]
//flatten the lalayters and reshape the input to (number of samples, number of features)
//Add output layer considering only 1 output layer for the training.
units: numoutputs,
useBias: true,
activation: "sigmoid",
//print the model
return model;
* Converts data serving as input for either training or calculations into Tensorflow tensors.
* @method convertToTensor
* @memberof nn
* @param {Object} data - Contains: 2d-JS array with inputs and outputs as [[inputs], [outputs]]
* @returns {Object} Object with minmax of data as well as the arrays converted into tensors.
* @example
* hydro.analyze.nn.convertToTensor({data: [[inputs],[outputs]]})
static convertToTensor({ params, args, data } = {}) {
var arr1 = data.inputSet,
arr2 = data.outputSet;
return tf.tidy(() => {
//Convert the data to tensors.
/*const inputs = => d);
const outputs = => d);*/
const inputTensor = tf.tensor1d(arr1).reshape([1, arr1.length]),
outputTensor = tf.tensor1d(arr2).reshape([1, arr2.length]),
//normalizing the data between range 0 - 1.
inputMax = inputTensor.max(),
inputMin = inputTensor.min(),
outputMax = outputTensor.max(),
outputMin = outputTensor.min(),
normalizedInputs = inputTensor
normalizedOutputs = outputTensor
return {
inputs: normalizedInputs,
outputs: normalizedOutputs,
//return the min and max bounds to use afterwards.
inputMax: inputMax,
inputMin: inputMin,
outputMax: outputMax,
outputMin: outputMin,
* Trains the model given inputs and ouputs of training data. Generates weights for each expected outcome.
* The model can be saved in local storage using the save model function.
* The compilation is donw using loss function binary Cross entropy, ADAM optimizer and MSE for evaluation metric.
* @method trainModel
* @memberof nn
* @param {Object} params - Contains: model (from createModel function)
* @param {Object} args - Contains: epochs (1-1000), lr (learning rate between 0-0.2), batch (size depending on inputs/output ratio)
* @param {Object} data - Contains: 2d-JS array containing the normalized TF arrays for input and output as [[inputs], [outputs]]
* @returns {Object} Trained model.
* @example
* hydro.analyze.nn.trainModel({params:{model: model}, args: {epochs: 'someNum', lr: 'someNum', batch: 'someNum'},
* data: [[inputs, outputs]]})
static async trainModel({ params, args, data } = {}) {
//Grabbing data from the parameters
var model = params.model,
inputs = data.inputs,
outputs = data.outputs,
//Grabbing data from the arguments
epochs = args && args.epochs !== undefined ? args.epochs : 50,
learningrate = args && !== undefined ? : 0.001,
batch = args && args.batch !== undefined ? args.batch : 32;
//temporary solution for the split method to be fixed on the tf.js backend.
tf.env().set("WEBGL_CPU_FORWARD", false);
loss: "binaryCrossentropy",
optimizer: "adam",
metrics: ["mse"],
lr: learningrate,
const batchsize = batch;
return await, outputs, {
epochs: epochs,
shuffle: true,
name: "Training Performance",
["loss", "mse"],
height: 200,
callbacks: ["onEpochEnd"],
* Given a trained model, uses it for calculating outputs based on raw data.
* The data is fed as input on the parameters and needs to be of the same size as the
* training data. The input data needs to be converted into a TS tensor (array) previous
* to be fed. The function also requires the minmax of the outputs.
* @method prediction
* @memberof nn
* @param {Object} params - Contains: model (pretrained)
* @param {Object} args - Contains: outputMin (Minimum value of observation), outputMax (Maximum value of observation)
* @param {Object} data - Contains: 1d-JS array with inputs for model outcome as [inputs]
* @returns {Object} Object with predictions as array. It also renders to screen.
* @example
* hydro.analyze.nn.prediction({params: {model: model}, args: {outputMin: 'someValue', outputMax: 'someValue'},
* data: [inputs]})
static prediction({ params, args, data } = {}) {
//Grab the data from the arguments.
var model = params.model,
inputs = tf.tensor1d(data).reshape([1, data.length]),
outputMin = args.outputMin,
outputMax = args.outputMax;
//Create prediction from model and inputs.
const predictedPoints = model.predict(inputs),
//The predictions are normalized, unnormalizing step.
unNormPreds = predictedPoints
return Array.from(unNormPreds.dataSync());
* Function for downloading a model that is already trained. It is saved in
* the user's download folder.
* @method saveModel
* @memberof nn
* @param {Object} params - Contains: model (pretrained), name (name for the model)
* @returns {Object} saved model on local storage.
* @example
* hydro.analyze.nn.saveModel({params: {model: model, name: 'someName'}})
static async saveModel({ params, args, data } = {}) {
var model = params.model,
name =;