* Returns the sizes of two square matrices.
* @member matrixSize
* @memberof gpuUtils
* @param {Array} matrix - Matrix as a 1D array.
* @param {Object} args - Additional partitions required.
* @returns {Array} - Array containing the sizes of the matrices.
export const matrixSize = (matrix, args = undefined) => {
const isSquare = matrix.length % Math.sqrt(matrix.length) === 0;
const sizes = args || (isSquare ? [Math.sqrt(matrix.length), Math.sqrt(matrix.length)] : console.error("Please input the sizes of your matrices."));
return sizes;
* Creates a buffer for the matrix data.
* @member bufferCreator
* @memberof gpuUtils
* @param {boolean} mapped - Indicates whether the buffer is mapped at creation.
* @param {GPUDevice} device - The GPU device.
* @param {Float32Array} matrix - The matrix data.
* @returns {GPUBuffer} - The created matrix buffer.
export const bufferCreator = (mapped, device, matrix) => {
const matrixBuffer = device.createBuffer({
mappedAtCreation: mapped,
size: matrix.byteLength,
usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE,
const arrayBuffer = matrixBuffer.getMappedRange();
new Float32Array(arrayBuffer).set(matrix);
return matrixBuffer;
* Changes the matrix layout by removing the sizes.
* @memberof matrixChanger
* @memberof gpuUtils
* @param {Float32Array} mat - The matrix data.
* @param {Array} sizes - The sizes of the matrix.
* @returns {Float32Array} - The modified matrix data.
export const matrixChanger = (mat, sizes) => {
const matrix = [...sizes, ...mat];
const [, ...result] = new Float32Array(matrix);
return result;
* Creates a buffer to hold the result matrix.
* @member resultHolder
* @memberof gpuUtils
* @param {GPUDevice} device - The GPU device.
* @param {Array} matrices - The matrices data.
* @param {number} reads - The number of read partitions.
* @param {number} writes - The number of write partitions.
* @returns {Array} - Array containing the size and buffer of the result matrix.
export const resultHolder = (device, matrices, reads, writes) => {
const sizeMappings = {
'3-1': Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * (2 + matrices[0][0] * matrices[1][0]),
'2-1': Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * (1 + matrices[0][0]),
'3-2': [
Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * (1 + matrices[0][0]),
Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * (1 + matrices[0][0])
const key = `${reads}-${writes}`;
const resultMatSize = sizeMappings[key];
const resultBuffer = device.createBuffer({
size: resultMatSize instanceof Array ? resultMatSize.reduce((a,b) => a +b) : resultMatSize,
usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC,
return [resultMatSize, resultBuffer];
* Destroys the buffers.
* @member bufferDestroyer
* @memberof gpuUtils
* @param {Array} buffers - Array of GPU buffers.
export const bufferDestroyer = (buffers) => {
for (const buffer of buffers) {